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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka formerly Ceylon, Island country in the Indian Ocean, off the southeastern coast of India. Highlands make up Sri Lanka’s south-central region and core, with narrow gorges and deep river valleys. The surrounding lowlands include hills and fertile plains. The developing mixed economy is largely based on agriculture, services, and light industries. Clothing, tea, gemstones, and rubber are exported. The island is world-famous for its gemstones, which include sapphires, rubies, and topaz.

Country Information

Area: 25,332 sq mi / 65,610 sq km
Population (2023 est ): 2023 est :- 22,638,000
Capital: Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte
Currency: Sri Lankan Rupee
Languages: Sinhala, Tamil, English
Airports: Bandaranaike International Airport, Mattala international airport, Colombo International Airport, Bandaranaike International Airport, Jaffna International Airport
Main Cities: Colombo, Dehiwala, Sri Jayawardenapura, Negombo, Moratuwa, Galle, Kandy
Best Time to visit: December to April
International calling code: +94
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Average temperature of around 27 - 28°C, Sri Lanka is one of the hottest countries in the world.

Famous Foods and Products

Fish ambul thiyal, Kottu, Kukul mas curry, Parippu, Lamprais, appa or appam, Polos

Travel Products from Sri Lanka